Monday, 9 December 2013

The Iceberg

This is one of the many wild and wonderful props I had to create for Doncaster Little Theatre's upcoming pantomime - Dick Whittington and His Cat - Book Tickets Here!

The prop in question is an iceberg lettuce. It will have about 10 seconds of stage time as a punch line (a punch line to what? - You'll have to come and see!)

I looked into buying a fake lettuce as I know some people like to have fake fruit and vegetables on display in there kitchens or restaurants, however  I don't think fake iceberg lettuces are all that popular.

So I decided to make one. If you ever need to make an iceberg lettuce you will need a lettuce sized polystyrene ball (failing this get a smaller ball and wrap it in newspaper until it reaches the desired size) Then cover with PVA glue and crepe paper.
One of the good things about crepe paper is that if you stretch it out it begins to take on the shape of a lettuce leaf. Once the ball is completely covered in crepe paper you can add the stretched pieces as the outside leaves. 

Et voilĂ !
One iceberg lettuce. I'm not sure on the wear and tear quality of this prop, so I have made several spares just incase they get distroyed during the crazy panto season.

Oh and don't forget - BOOK TICKETS NOW!

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